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At the start, roll all three Go to Jail Dice, the player who rolls fewest policemen icon play first, and then go clockwise.

At the start of the boxing match, the boxer yelled at his opponent to bring it on. 拳击赛开始时,拳击选手对着对手大声吼叫,给自己鼓舞士气。
At the start of the film, the hero, Majid, is imprisoned for attacking a man who makes salacious comments to a virtuous young woman. 电影开始时,一个人对一个良家妇女出言不逊,那个英雄马基德上前殴打这个人,结果被投入监狱。
At the start of the national dialogue, president Abbas set a time limit: 10 days. Mr. Abbas' deadline expired at midnight on Monday. 在对话的开始,阿巴斯总统设定了十天的时间期限。阿巴斯规定的最后期限于星期一午夜到期。
At the start of the project, we reviewed the graphical features in our previous game, Rome: Total War, and began brainstorming ideas that would let us enhance the realism and graphical detail in Medieval 2. 在项目的一开始,我们重新评估了前作,罗马:全面战争中的图像特性,并开始头脑风暴,找到能让我们在中世纪2种改进真实性和图像细节的点子。
At the start of this year Romania and Bulgaria became the EU's 26th and 27th members. 今年年初,罗马尼亚和比利时分别成为欧盟的第26和第27个成员国。
At the start, roll all three Go to Jail Dice, the player who rolls fewest policemen icon play first, and then go clockwise. 游戏开始时,先掷入狱骰(共三粒)分先后,掷得最少警察图案的先行,然后顺时针方向进行。
At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue. 在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况。
At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. 在警察局里,一位面带笑容的警察告诉他,他的自行车找到了。
At the stock market your broker will inquire of other broker if they know of anyone who would like to sell the stock that you want to purchase. 你的经纪人将在股票交易所向别的经纪人打听他们是否知道有人要抛出你想买进的股票。
At the stroke of midnight churches would ring their bells and motorists would blow their horns. 到了午夜敲钟时刻,教堂会敲响自己的钟声,开车的人会按响他们的喇叭。
At the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. 当午夜的钟声敲响时,当整个世界沉睡的时候,印度将在生命和自由中苏醒.

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