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Incite unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward such disorders.

Incidentally, one worrying aspect of the hysterical opposition to the possible risks from GM crops is that it diverts attention from definite dangers which are already well understood but largely ignored. 顺便说,这种歇斯底里的反对转基因农作物潜在的风险的行为令人担忧的一个方面是,它转移了我们对已经了解得很透彻的——但是在很大程度上忽视的——已知危险的注意力。
Incidentally, that picture may have been slightly different had it not been for the dog 'Pickles' who found the famous trophy after it had been stolen whilst on exhibition at Westminster Central Hall a few months before the 1966 World Cup was due to take 值得一提的是,那个画面的意义可能有些不同于以往,因为再1966年世界杯开始前几个月,雷米特杯曾在威斯敏斯特中央大厅的一次展览中被窃,是一个叫皮克尔斯的小狗找到了这个著名的奖杯。
Incidentally, the Babylonian New Year was celebrated in March to coincide with the planting of the spring crops. 顺便提一句,巴比伦在3月庆祝新年,与春天播种庄稼的时间一致。
Incineration is the preferred method for destruction of most Pharmaceutical Waste in each country where qualified incineration Facilities are readily available. 在一个合格的焚化设施容易找到的国家,焚化是销毁大多数药品垃圾的首选方法。
Incise the superficial and deep fasciae. 切开浅、深筋膜。
Incite unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward such disorders. 八、在重要产业部分煽动不必要的罢工,鼓励社会动乱,造成政府对于动乱的放纵与软弱态度。
Inciting lustful feelings; lewd. 猥亵的引起欲望的;淫猥的
Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly; Be to me a rock of strength, A stronghold to save me. 诗31:2求你侧耳而听、快快救我、作我坚固的磐石、拯救我的保障。
Incline Your ear, O Lord, and answer me; For I am afflicted and needy. 诗86:1〔大卫的祈祷。〕耶和华阿、求你侧耳应允我、因我是困苦穷乏的。
Incline my heart to Your testimonies And not to dishonest gain. 诗119:36求你使我的心、趋向你的法度、不趋向非义之财。
Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. 诗119:36求你使我的心、趋向你的法度、不趋向非义之财。

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