Old Buttons advertise the window signs, but this secondhand shop on Third Avenue in New York City offers much more in its display.
虽然橱窗里挂着“老扣子”的广告牌,但这个二手货商店兜售着更多的东西。 |
Old Cat welcomes discussions in peace, but declines quarrels. If you have excessive adrenaline, you are advised to let it out on forums.
老猫欢迎心平气和的讨论,但谢绝争吵。如果你肾上腺素过多,建议去论坛发泄。 |
Old Dr.Conklin looked at the leg and shook his head.″Idon't think we can saveit.
老医生康克林看着那条腿,摇着头说:“我看我们保不住它了。” |
Old Europe has gained immeasurably from improved stability on its borders.
老欧洲国家由于疆域稳固而获益甚多。 |
Old Henry and his wife Phoebe were as fond of each other as it is possible for two old people to be who have nothing else in this life to be fond of.
译文:人们随着日趋年迈,积存物品还有其它两个原因:一是缺乏体力和精神,两者在清理和扔掉无用之物时不可或缺,二是感情上的原因。 |
Old Houses of the Ming and Qing Dynasty All the existing 21 courtyards and the residential clusters handed down from the Ming and Qing dynasties,are well-preserved.
明清古宅古城现存的21座明代院落和清代及民国时期的众多民居群保存完好。三坊一照壁、四全五天井、平房带闷楼、前铺后院等腰三角形各有千秋。庭院广种花木,厅堂悬挂世传堂匾,颇具文化气息。 |
Old Joe toils year in and year out on his small patch of land.
老乔一年到头都在他那一小块地里辛勤劳作。 |
Old Joe went to heaven long before the World.
老乔在第二次世界大战以前就早已经见上帝去了。 |
Old John kept right on hammering. You have, have you?he said with a grin. And who says I need redeeming anyway?
老约翰只管继续敲敲打打地干活儿。是吗?他咧嘴一乐,谁说我需要赎罪? |
Old Lady 1: What do you think?
老妇甲:你觉得怎么样? |
Old Lady 2: 0h yes - lovely - very nice.
老妇乙:哦,很不错,很好。 |