Often a single sentence will suffice. You may want to include a summary of the method you will use.
通常一句就够。你可能会想涵盖所用实验方法的摘要。 |
Often allow your child to practice painting. This is a good way of having him become accustomed to expressing things he sees through drawing and help stimulate his brain development.
常让孩子练习画画,让孩子习惯将视觉感受到的东西以素描的方式表达,不论画得好或不好,都不失为一个刺激头脑发育的好方法。 |
Often and little eating makes a man fat.
少吃多餐,身强体胖。 |
Often arrives early and starts to work immediately.
上班时经常提早到达,并着手处理公务。 |
Often as not, the best players (and the worst) are precisely those who are in some way wildly unorthodox.
一如我们的认知,表现最佳(及最差)的选手总是那些在某方面相当极端的人。 |
Often ascension brings about the opening of ancient ancestral karmic records that one has no knowledge of in present time.
经常地,提升打开了你在当前并不知晓的远古祖先业力之记录。 |
Often bowlers over time will develop sloppy feet and start drifting different amounts.
通常球员走多了以后,都会因为步伐的散漫,产生或多或少的板数偏移。 |
Often bridge financing is structured so that it can be repaid from proceeds of a public underwriting.
通常融资是由机构组织进行的,以便将来可以从公开发行的承销过程中获得收益回报。 |
Often call her wherever you are.
无论你身在何处都要经常和她打电话。 |
Often can be infinite regret.
可每每无限遗憾. |
Often children are given the opportunity to write stories of their own, in an effort to instill a love of words and reading.
教师往往还会鼓励孩子自己写故事,诱导他们喜爱文字与阅读。 |