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How come some people see UFOs &others do not? What's happening at a neurological level?

How come everyone in ourcompany is middle-aged stuffy? (为什麽我们公司都是一些古板的中年人?)
How come green gas smells different than fuel propane? 为什么绿气闻起来和燃料丙烷不同?
How come she gets the promotion and I get nothing? I always get the short end of the stick. 怎么她升了职而我却什么也没有得到呢?我总是受人误解。
How come some Yogis seem so even tempered? 一些瑜伽修行者看起来总是那么平和,究竟是怎么来的呢?
How come some people can stick with it and others not? 为什么有些人能坚持而其他人却不能呢?
How come some people see UFOs &others do not? What's happening at a neurological level? 为何有人看见UFO,有人看不见?在神经层面上发生了什麽?
How come that you, an arrogant, aggressive girl, fround yourself blushing and your heart going pit-a-pat? You looked so beautiful, didn't you know? 平时咄咄逼人、趾高气扬的你怎么脸红心跳了?你知道吗,这时的你最美。
How come this project wasn't approved? 我们没有时间准备。
How come we drive on parkways and park on driveways? 为什么我们在大道上开车,在停车道上停放?
How come we've been using propane, and nobody knew? 为什么我们实际上已经在使用丙烷,但是确没人知道?
How come you are divorced now? 约翰问:“是么,怎么回事?”

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