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The Carling Cup is a bit low-key at this stage of the season but we are still looking on it as a very important competition.

The Business of Show Businesswas a day-long event in which film industry experts met to inform politicians, policymakers, and others about the financial benefits of the American motion picture industry, particularly the industry's contribution to the nati 在为期一整天的表演商业活动中,电影业行家汇聚一堂向政府要员,决策人和其他人讲述了美国电影行业的商业价值,特别是该行业对国家经济做出的贡献。
The CD is mostly text based with sound added, it is clear, logical and easy to follow and does provide much of the basic information for starting a marketing plan. “光盘大部分是文本形式附加语音,它清晰、合理、容易跟随、并提供了许多开始一个营销计划所需的基础信息。”
The Calm hasn't got anything to do with politics. It simply tells the story of a man who wants very little and can't get it. 「《宁静》跟政治没有一点关系。它讲的不过是一个欲求很少但却得不到的男子的故事。」
The Cambridge Business Exams are part written, part oral. "商务剑桥英语考试一部分是笔试,一部分是口试。"
The Carling Cup Final was a little bit worse, training after that and playing at Portsmouth was even worse. “但联赛杯决赛时就有些糟糕了,训练结束后并踢完对朴茨茅斯队的比赛后,伤势进一步恶化。”
The Carling Cup is a bit low-key at this stage of the season but we are still looking on it as a very important competition. 联赛杯虽然不是我们这个赛季的重要目标,但我们也会好好对待。
The Carling Cup wasn't enough for me after four years - is it enough for Mourinho? I don't know. “联赛杯的冠军对于四年前的我来说是不够的,对穆里尼奥就足够吗?我不知道。”
The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions. 董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。
The Challenge Cup,the national university student extracurricular academic science and technology work competition, which is one nationwide large-scale event sponsored by the Communist Youth League central committee, Chinese Science association, the Minis 挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛是一项由共青团中央、中国科协、教育部、全国学联主办,国内著名大学和新闻单位联合发起并组织的全国性大型赛事,旨在全面展示我国高校教育成果,激发广大在校大学生崇尚科学、追求真知、勤奋学习、锐意创新、迎接挑战,为国家培养跨世纪的创新人才。
The Chinese Wuhan dawn business trade limited company overseas teamatches delivers the center. “中国武汉曙光商贸有限公司海外茶叶配送中心”。
The Colosseum, which stands near the center of present-day Rome, is perhaps the finest surviving example of ancient Roman architectural engineering. 可以容纳至少五万名观众的竞技场主要用途是斗兽和角斗士角斗。

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