1961 Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made one orbit in Vostok 1 and safely returned to earth.
苏联宇航员尤里·加加林乘坐宇宙飞船东方1号围绕地球飞行一周,安全返回地球。 |
1961 The construction of the Berlin Wall by the German Democratic Republic. Began separating East Berlin and West Berlin.
德意志民主共和国开始构筑柏林墙,分隔东西柏林。 |
1962 The Royal College of Physicians issues report on smoking and health.
1962年,内科医师皇家学校发布吸烟与健康报告. |
1962 The Savannah, the world′s first nuclear-powered ship, completed its maiden voyage from Yorktown, Va., to Savannah, Ga.
世界第一艘核动力船萨凡纳号完成了从弗吉尼亚州约克敦到佐治亚州萨凡纳的处女航。 |
1962 U Thant, Burmese diplomat, was elected third Secretary General of the United Nations.
缅甸外交家吴丹当选联合国第三任秘书长。 |
1962 year of “Ren Yin”and corresponds to Tiger.
1962年是农历壬寅年,属虎。 |
1963 First crossing by a United States expedition, starting from the west and descending over the south-west.
1963年——以诺曼·迪伦弗斯为首的美国探险队首次从西坡登顶成功。 |
1964 Douglas MacArthur, American general and commander in the Pacific in World War Ⅱ,died in Washington, DC aged 84.
美国五星上将、第二次世界大战期间太平洋战区司令道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟在华盛顿去世,终年84岁。 |
1964 Pope Paul VI finished his 3-day tour of the Holy land, the first Pope to visit there since Christianity began, and the first to leave Italy in over 150 years.
罗马教皇保罗六世结束对圣地(指耶稣的故乡巴勒斯坦)的三天访问。他是基督教诞生以来第一个出访圣地的罗马教皇,也是150多年以来第一个离开意大利出访的罗马教皇。 |
1965 A massive Northeast power blackout struck an 80 000 square-mile area.
美国东北部大规模断电,受影响的范围有8万平方英里。 |
1965 Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act requires use of health warnings on cigarette packages and in advertising.
1965年,香烟标签与广告法,要求在香烟包装与广告使用健康提示。 |