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Perimenopausal syndrome had a prevalence rate of 8.%, and the most distressful symptoms were sleeplessness, muscular, bone and joint pain, fidgety, dizziness, of which 8.8% were mental symptoms and 8.0% body symptoms.

Performance analysis of call centers based on M/M/s/k+M queue with retrial and impatience 基于重试、不耐烦M/M/s/k+M排队的呼叫中心性能分析
Performance of Corrode Inhibition to N80 Pieces of Steel of the Corrosion Inhibitor BH-99 for Acidization in Hydrochloric Acid BH-99酸化缓蚀剂对N80钢片在盐酸中的缓蚀性能
Performance of Passive Disturbance Thrower Simulator Based on AT89C 基于AT89C的PDT模拟器及实现
Performance test of MC nylon sheaves MC尼龙绳轮性能试验
Periderm is welldeveloped, - mm wide, and is divided into phellem and phelloderm. 周皮较发育,厚约~ mm,由木栓层和栓内层构成。
Perimenopausal syndrome had a prevalence rate of 8.%, and the most distressful symptoms were sleeplessness, muscular, bone and joint pain, fidgety, dizziness, of which 8.8% were mental symptoms and 8.0% body symptoms. 围绝期综合征的患病率为8.%,最为痛苦的症状是失眠、肌肉骨关节疼痛、烦躁、头晕,以心理症状(8.8%)和躯体症状(8.0%)为主;
Perinatal Factors Influence to Auditus of Foetus and Newborn Infant 围产因素对胎儿及新生儿听力的影响
Perindopril combined with diuretics induced patients with severe hyper kalemia 培哚普利与利尿药合用致严重高钾血症例
Perioperative Nursing Care of Eyelid Construction with Free Palatum Durum Mucosa Graft 游离硬腭粘膜移植眼睑重建术围手术期护理
Personal Quality of Cadres 领导干部的个人素养
Personal coercive measures out of law include such "legal"measures used in accordance with the law as summons, keep questioning, "double rules", using weapons and police equipments, personal checking and searching. 法定五种强制措施外的人身强制手段,既包括传唤、留置盘问、“双规”、使用武器、警械、人身检查、搜查等有法可依的手段,也包括强行捉拿、强令服从、强行闯入、强取体征等无法可依的手段,这其中的一些合理内容有必要纳入刑事强制措施的范畴加以规范。

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