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The title of the story is The wolf. 那个故事的主题是狼.
The title of this composition comes from Wang Wei's poem To the Frontier as an Envoy. 这首曲的题目出至王维的《使至塞上》中的名句:「大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。」
The title of this dance derives from the northern dialect, meaning the act of coming together to congratulate someone in an auspicious ceremony. 这舞蹈的名字来自泰国北方方言,含义是在吉祥的典礼里一起向某人祝贺的举动。
The title of this play is Othello. 这齣戏的片名叫奥赛罗。
The title of this window contains the usernames, if they are less than three, the numbers of users and opened rooms else. 进入聊天室后,可以点击右上角的图标,会在新窗口里显示在线用户列表。
The title of your page can be seen in the top left hand side of your browser. 页面标题可以在浏览器左边的顶端看到。
The title on the seal of the administrative office of prefecture/league shall begin with the title of the province/autonomous region. 地区(盟)行政公署的印章,冠省(自治区)的名称。
The title or caption of a newspaper article, usually set in large type. 大字标题通常用大号铅字排印的新闻报道的标题或题目
The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son. 这头衔按世袭传给长子.
The title race is hotting up. 切尔西与曼联的冠军争夺战已接近白热化。
The title refers to the author's own highly educated father, the poor dadwho always had to work hard to meet the family's needs; and the rich dad, a neighbor who had dropped out of high school but whose financial acumen turned him into a multimillionaire. 书名中的“穷爸爸”是指他受过高等教育的父亲,他为了满足家庭的需求而努力工作;“富爸爸”则是指一位高中就辍学的邻居,但其敏锐的理财眼光却使他成为大富豪。

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