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I am affable to everyone.

I am accustomed to lying in bed reading a magazine. 我习惯躲在床上看杂志。
I am acquainted about the situation.I am not a new-born kid. 我很了解情况,我可不是刚出世的娃娃。
I am acquainted with her. 我认识她.
I am addicted to the love, so please don't leave me ! 这种爱已成了依赖,请不要离开!
I am admitted to Shandong University. 我被山东大学录取了。
I am affable to everyone. 我对每个人都彬彬有礼。
I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up: while I suffer thy terrors I am distracted. 15我自幼受苦,几呼死亡。我受你的惊恐,甚至慌张。
I am afraid I can not tell you predicatively when will I come. 我不能肯定地告诉你我什么时候来。
I am afraid I can scarsely depict for you, my dear reader, the feeling I had when i first met her. 我亲爱的读者,我恐怕不能很好地向你描述我见到她时的感觉。
I am afraid I can't do that today. 我恐怕我今天不能那么做。
I am afraid I can't do that. 不好意思,我恐怕没办法那样做。

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