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A soluble crystalline solid may be separated from a solution by evaporation.

A solidified animal or vegetable oil. 凝固的肥油固化的动物或植物油
A solitary Phil Marsh strike was enough for the Reds second string, who were again under the charge of Brian McClair and Jim Ryan. 菲尔-马什的射门对于曼联二线队来说已经足够了,他们又一次被布莱恩-麦克莱尔和吉姆-赖恩管理。
A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the great hall. 单独一支蜡烛点亮了黑暗的大厅。
A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the room. 一支孤烛使黑暗的房间亮了起来。
A solitary rider was seen in the distance. 远处有个孤零零的骑马的人。
A soluble crystalline solid may be separated from a solution by evaporation. 可溶性晶体可以通过蒸发从溶液中分离出来。
A solution called a mordant is used in the dying process. 有一种被称为“腐蚀液”的方法被运用在染色工艺流程中。
A solution for these primates, though, was present in the evolutionary toolbox. 还好演化工具箱里有一个方法,可以解决这些灵长类的问题。
A solution in an organic solvent that is combined with modifying resins and plasticizers and applied to a substrate to impart glossy, decorative features and provide a protective coating. 中义以有机溶剂溶合树脂和塑胶的溶液,涂在版材上产生光泽和保护层。
A solution is at your hand. 方法掌握在你自己手里。
A solution is needed to remove the restrictions on taking NTFP out of the PA mountain area for smooth project implementation. 为了顺利的实施项目,需要相应的解决方法来扫除限制了将非木制森林制品带出保护区的各种障碍。

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