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All in all, East Asia in today's world is a force that cannot be ignored politically, economically, culturally or geographically. The prospect for East Asia's economic development is promising.

All imports must be declared to customs. 所有进口货物必须报关.
All in all , mountains cover 24 percent of Earth's surface . 整体来看,山地占了地球表面的百分之二十四。
All in all I'd say it's been a very productive day. 总的来说,我认为这一天过得很充实。
All in all it had been a great success. 从各方面来说, 那都是极大的成功.
All in all it had been a great success. 从各方面来说,那都是极大的成功.
All in all, East Asia in today's world is a force that cannot be ignored politically, economically, culturally or geographically. The prospect for East Asia's economic development is promising. 总之,从政治、经济、文化、地缘等各方面看,东亚都是当今世界一支不可忽视的力量。东亚经济发展的前景是光明的。
All in all, East Asian in today's world is a force that cannot be ignored politically, economically, culturally or geographically. The prospect for East Asian's economic development is promising. 总之,从政治、经济、文化、地缘等各方面看,东亚都是当今世界一支不可忽视的力量。东亚经济发展的前景是光明的。
All in all, I don't think it's worth the trouble. 大体上来说,我不认为它值得花工夫。
All in all, I think this place is O.K. 总之我觉得这家餐厅还可以。
All in all, I would say it was a success. 大体上来说,我要说那是成功的。
All in all, I'd prefer to see the movie. 大体上来说,我喜欢看那部电影。

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