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Firmness of character or action; determination.

Firm: Good perceptible tannin or acid. 坚实:容易上口的单宁味或酸味。
Firmly attach one copy to the back of each sample, and include two copies with your payment. 递交参赛作品样品时,每份样品请务必附上一份报名表复印件,并在付款时一并提交两分报名表复印件。
Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure. 把盆里的泥土压紧,这样能使植物固定。
Firmly push intruding thoughts away, as they begin, before they can gather strength and distract you. 只要它们一出现,在它们可以积聚力量和转移你的注意力之前,就坚决地赶走入侵的念头。
Firmly push the amplifier (expansion unit) all the way into the main unit. 一直紧紧的推挤放大器(扩展模块)进入主模块。
Firmness of character or action; determination. 果断,决断性格或行动的坚定;坚决
Firms also get a free pass for the corrupt practices of their subsidiaries, unless it is proved that they ordered or actively connived in them. 对于子公司的腐败行径,各公司还可豁免其责,除非能证明它们曾下令或积极纵容其子公司。
Firms and households fear they will not be able to borrow to tide themselves over bad times, therefore they choose to save for a rainy day instead. 公司和家庭担心在不景气时期无法通过借款来渡过难关,因此他们选择未雨绸缪而提前储蓄。
Firms are now facing fiercer competition than ever before. 公司间竞争之激烈是前所未有。
Firms can have high retained earnings (ie, saving) yet still need to borrow if they invest more than they hoard. 企业在维持高留存收益(即储蓄)的同时仍然依靠贷款进行超常规投资。
Firms find offering the flexibility of telecommuting to their employees often helps cut costs of maintaining office space and results in more productive employees who are better able to balance work and personal lives. 公司发现通过向员工提供远程办公的灵活性,通常有助于削减维持办公室的成本,并且造就能更好地平衡工作和个人生活的更有效率的员工。

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