This tailcoat looks as if it were made for you.
这件燕尾服看上去就像为您定做的。 |
This tailor is famous for making good suit.
这位裁缝以做高级西装而出名。 |
This takes a serious toll on our self esteem and confidence.
这对我们的自尊和自信造成了严重而不佳的影响。 |
This takes much time, and time is money.
这样他要花费许多时间,何况时间又是金钱。 |
This takes us to the S-R or Stimulus-Response theory which was developed by the Russian, Pavlov.
因此我们就必须了解由俄国心理学家巴甫洛夫提出的“刺激——反应”学说。 |
This takes “assumption of defense” off the table.
如此得来的“防御设想”不至于纸上谈兵。 |
This taking en-passant must be done directly: if the player who could take en-passant does not do this in the first move after the double step, this pawn cannot be taken anymore by an en-passant move.
这种走顺道必须直接做:如果能够走顺道的那一方在对方的两步后第一次移动时没有进行顺道,那么这个兵就不能在顺道时被吃掉了。 |
This talent condenses ALL of the other improved trap talents into ONE 2-point talent. A Huge boost, and a must have talent for survival hunters, IMHO.
这个天赋把所有的其他陷阱天赋集中到一个只需要2点的天赋上面,是一个很大的加强。是生存系猎人必须的天赋,提高生存几率。 |
This talent deficit is now growing for two reasons.
人才赤字问题日益严重的原因有两个。 |
This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Kidney Shot.
不再减少肾击的冷却时间。 |
This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Sprint.
这个天赋不再减少急跑得冷却时间。 |