After service as a Navy ensign, he worked in a beer-hall (piano), on radio, off Broadway, TV and Broadway.
在服役于海军后,他在一家啤酒厅弹钢琴,在收音机,百老汇以外,电视和百老汇上表演。 |
After service: solve interrelated problems concerned with Zhong Tao series products in 72 hours.
售后服务:72小时解决您关于中涛系列产品的相关问题。 |
After services completes make the transporting baggage record.
行李搬运结束后,做好搬运纪录. |
After setting dozens of 28) aviation records, she 29) set out in 1937 to be the first woman to fly around the world, taking the longest 30) route possible, around the 31) equator.
创下数十项飞行记录之后,她在1937年出发,希望成为第一个环绕世界飞行的妇女,飞的是距离最长的路线,也就是环绕赤道。 |
After setting out what he calls the American Creed,Lieven examines the historical roots of its antithesis, a wounded and vengeful nationalism.Irrational hatred, even fear, of the outside world, combined with an obsessive belief in the treachery of America
对外部世界无端的仇恨甚至恐惧,再加上强迫症式地相信美国“精英”和知识分子背叛祖国,这不但在国内是破坏性的,也贬低了人具有特殊的使命去帮助其他国家这一在历史长河中为很多领导人和思想家以不同的方式加以阐发的理念。 |
After seven and a half weeks I was leaving the hospital room I had walked into with so much trepidation.
在我怀着忐忑不安的心情走进医院的七个半星期后,我终于要离开我的病房了。 |
After seven days, it was time to take the next step: transplanting the scaffolds into living hearts.
七天后,是执行下一步骤的时候了:将支架移植回活体心脏。 |
After seven years, and again in the face of bitter parental disapproval, Potter felt emboldened enough to accept his proposal of marriage.
后来,他们经常一同巡视可建设农场的土地,仔细观察农场建筑,并审阅各项办法。 |
After several adventures, Li made his way through the Kuomintang lines and reached Yenan.
他历经艰险,穿过国民党的封锁线,到了延安。 |
After several attacks, the snail is paralyzed and can be eaten at leisure.
几个回合过后,蜗牛疲惫不堪,只能乖乖被吃掉了。 |
After several attempts at keeping my eyelids from fluttering closed and the book from collapsing onto my chest, I know it really is time to go to sleep.
几次想克服眼皮打架,几次把倒在胸口上的书支起来,我知道睡觉的时候的确到了。 |