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And we came to Jerusalem, and abode there three days.

And we are to go into the hydro-electric-power business. 而且我们将经营水力电力业务。
And we are very serious about the number of Nepalese people who have fled their home villages, even the country. 我们非常认真地对待那些背井离乡,甚至流亡国外的尼泊尔人民。
And we are working for mobile telecommunication operators, handset manufactory and design house, etc. 公司与国内外多个著名厂商均保持着良好的合作关系。
And we asked each other in dismay, Is there a land beyond these hills where we live? 我们惶恐地对问:在我们住的山外还有地方么?
And we believe firmly: Through joint efforts of leading directorate and staff, Shanghai Lighting Sight Project Co., Ltd. will become a remarkable modernized enterprise. 我们坚信:通过公司董事会与全体员工的共同努力,莱亭必将成为一个卓越的现代化企业。
And we came to Jerusalem, and abode there three days. 32我们到了耶路撒冷,在那里住了三日。
And we can comment, and interpret, and ask for explanations, we can write about the book and so on endlessly. 然后我们可以评论、铨释、要求解释,我们能够写作有关这本书,等等。
And we can get books and CDs at the bookshop. 我们还可以在书店买书和CD。
And we can never repair! 但我们从不修补!
And we can no longer be satisfied when a native speaker puts his thumb up and says your English is good. 操英文母语的人再给我们竖起大拇指说我们英文不错时,我们已经不能满足了。
And we can produce bridge rubber parts, including Bailey, expansion and bearing. 生产桥梁用伸缩缝、止水带、桥梁支座等橡胶产品。

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