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“Certified ‘masterpieces' by dead composers, manipulated by charismatic star performers for the delectation of an increasingly passive and uninquisitive audience” (Will Crutchfield).

“Cats” is the most recent novel by this remarkable young writer. 猫>>是这名才华洋溢的青年作家最新的小说。
“Cavani is an excellent player and we like him very much,” confirmed sporting director Alessio Secco. 卡瓦尼是一个卓越的球员,我们非常喜欢他,体育经理塞科证实.
“Cellphonebarcodeservice” is a new data service promoted by China Mobile, whose name comes from two dimensional coding standards. “手机条码业务”作为新推出的数据业务,其名称来源于二维码技术标准。
“Certainly I would be honoured to accept such a role, as long as everyone respected their positions,” said Conte. “当然,假如我扮演那种角色将会获得无上荣耀,那是一个为世人尊重的位置,”孔蒂说道。
“Certainly an impecunious Subaltern was not a catch” (Rudyard Kipling). “一文不名的陆军中尉当然不值得去俘获”(鲁边亚德·基辅林)。
“Certified ‘masterpieces' by dead composers, manipulated by charismatic star performers for the delectation of an increasingly passive and uninquisitive audience” (Will Crutchfield). “由已故作曲家所作的被证明的‘杰作’,由具有超凡魅力的明星演奏家为迎合越来越消极及缺乏好奇心的观众的欢乐而演奏”(威尔·克拉奇菲尔德)。
“Chalk” has won several awards on film festival circuit has played in theater through out the country and it now set to be released on international DVD on Sep 25. 已经在各电影节上取得了一些奖项并已在全国各大影院上映,全球DVD将在9月25日发行。
“Chalk” were(was) shot in a documentary style with actors improvising most of their lines, A says this style of acting requires crew and provise(to improvise)) as well. “粉笔”以记实的方法拍摄,伴随着演员们即兴表演他们的台词,导演A说这样的拍摄手法需要所有成员都能够即兴发挥。
“Chaoyue Dazhong Mingzhu yu Quanwei Zhuyi:Gonghe Zhuyi Dui Zhongguo ZhengzhiZhuanxing de Qidi [Beyond Popular Democracy and Authoritarianism: Lessons of Western Republicanism for China's Political Reform]”, Daguo [Power]2, 2005. 李强,《超越大众民主与权威主义:共和主义对中国政治转型的启迪》,《大国》2005年第二期。
“Check with me,” said the billionaire, who sometimes has trouble delegating. “I'll get right back to you.” And he always has. “和我商量一下,”有时会遇到困难的亿万富翁说道,“我会立即回到你身边的”。
“Chelsea will be a massive test for us, but if we can unsettle them and get amongst them we have an outside chance of getting something from the game. “切尔西对我们是个巨大的考验,但如果我们能扰乱他们,我们有机会从这场比赛中得到我们想要的东西。”

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