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Accompanying my proposer was another Rotarian who went to the same church that my family and I attended.

Accompanied with a quick redistribution process comes the problem of location conflicts within a metropolis and hence the contradiction between inner (or central) city and its suburbs. 但人口空间布局的快速调整又带来了大都市内部的冲突与摩擦,中心城区与郊区之间的区位矛盾也由此产生。
Accompanied with the burst of China steel export since 2005, CITI Resources has been leading the way for the new generation of international steel trading companies in China. 信宝资源具有强大的资金支持,国际化的专业业务骨干以及国内钢厂和国际客户的深厚合作关系。
Accompanied with two washing baskets and one flat-bottomed basket. 随机附带两个洗篮、一个平底篮。
Accompanying editorialists concur and suggest that estrogen's effects on the asculature are mediated in part by age and in part by ascular health at time of estrogen initiation. 与作者的观点一致,雌激素的血管保护作用部分与服用激素时的年龄以及血管健康状态有关。
Accompanying him also were the smells of chewing tobacco, well-oiled leather and horses-a combination of odours that she always associated with her father and instinctively liked in other men. 伴随着他的还有嚼烟草的气味,光滑的皮革味和马的气味──一种她总是将之与父亲联系在一起的混合气味,而且本能地喜欢在别的男人身上看到。
Accompanying my proposer was another Rotarian who went to the same church that my family and I attended. 与我的推荐人共同推荐的是与我家人和我属于共同教会的另一位扶轮社员。
Accompanying sauces are made by this section which is also responsible for egg, pasta and rice dishes. 这个部门还负责蛋类、米饭和面食的准备工作。
Accompanying the king and queen of Norway was Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Crown Princess Mette-Marit, who is eight months pregnant. 陪同挪威国王和王后前来访问的还有哈康王储和他的夫人梅特·玛丽特王妃,王妃已经怀有8个月身孕。
Accompanying their girl friends are their obligation, but they can't give up their jobs. 有义务陪女朋友,又没有权利放弃工作。
Accompanying with the development of electronic commerce, the number of disputes due to infringement of domain names is increasing. 摘要伴随网络电子商务的发展,域名侵权纠纷案件呈上升趋势。
Accomplish other tasks assigned by the City Inn Directorate earnestly. 认真完成上级公司董事会交办的其他工作。

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