The French air traffic controllers are on strike so my trip to Paris is up the spout.
法国空中交通管理人员在罢工,因此我的巴黎之行落空了。 |
The French also want the force to have a “Chapter Seven” mandate, which means it would be authorised by the UN to use force.
法国人同样也希望这支部队能获得“联合国宪章第七章”中的授权,即联合国赋予的可以使用武力的权力。 |
The French and Bolshevik Revolutions, once seen as turning points in world history, now get far less attention.
法国的布尔什维克革命,曾经被视为世界历史转折点,现在不再像以前那样受到关注。 |
The French and Dutch rejections of the constitution in 2005 partly reflected dissatisfaction over the 2004 enlargement.
2005年法国、荷兰拒绝接受欧盟宪法的情况部分反应出选民对2004年欧盟扩张的不满情绪。 |
The French archaeologist described as extraordinarythe find at the Neolithic site of Tell Aswad, at Jaidet al-Khass village, 35 kilometers from Damascus.
这位法国考古学家表示,在这个卡哈斯村的「泰尔.阿斯瓦德」新石器遗址的发现,「非比寻常」。卡哈斯村距大马士革35公里。 |
The French are a sociable people, but they value their privacy.
法国人喜欢交际,但他们也很尊重隐私。 |
The French are apt to think of infidelity as one of the predictable pitfalls of marriage and don't assume that cheaters should be tossed out of the house.
法国人倾向于认为,对婚姻不忠是可以预见的陷阱之一,因此并不认为,这些背叛婚姻的人应该赶出家门。 |
The French are faithful during courtship; their marriages and liaisons last longer than Americans' do.
“在求爱期法国人是忠实的;他们的婚姻和私通持续时间都比美国人要长。 |
The French are famous for the clarity of their thought and the lucidity of their prose, yet in whatever they do, they never fail to bring chaos, filth and hubbub, as witness the mess on board the ship.
法国人的思想是有名的清楚,他的文章也明白干净,但是他的做事,无不混乱、肮脏、喧哗,但看这船上的乱糟糟。 |
The French are renowned for their cooking.
法国人擅长烹饪. |
The French army moves on to Moscow, its goal, with continually increasing impetus.
法军以不断增涨的势头冲向莫斯科,冲向其运动的目的地。 |