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For example, tomato is red, spinach is green, rice is white, agarics are black and sweet pepper is yellow and so on.

For example, thousands of industrial robots are in use today, and the number is growing very rapidly as this relatively new industry improves the price and performance of its products by using the latest microcomputers. 例如,如今成千上万的工业机器人已投入使用,由于这个相对新的工业使用了最新的微机改善了产品的价格和性能,使机器人的使用数量正在迅速增长。
For example, tighter monetary policy may raise the riskiness of shares themselves by raising and weakening the balance sheets of publicly owned firms (Bernanke and Gertler, 1995). 例如,进一步紧缩银根提高了利率成本,弱化了公众公司的资产负债表,因而可能提高股票本身的风险性。
For example, to avoid getting into an infinite loop, and thereby hanging a system, an anti-virus system that uses an emulator (or a sand box) would have to determine when to terminate the analysis. 例如,为了避免进入一个无限循环从而挂起系统,一个使用模拟器(或沙箱)的反病毒系统必须决定何时结束分析。
For example, to get input, we may need to specify the file or device to use as the source, and the address and length of the memory buffer into which the input should be read. 译文:例如,为了获取输入,我们可能需要指定文件或设备作为信息来源,并且要把地址和内存缓冲区的长度放到输入读取的位置。
For example, to put the current date on every page using only HTML would require a webmaster to manually edit every file, every day. 举个例子来说,仅使用HTML将当前的日期放置到每个页面上要求网站管理员每天对每一个文件进行手动编辑。
For example, tomato is red, spinach is green, rice is white, agarics are black and sweet pepper is yellow and so on. 举例来说:红色的蕃茄、绿色的波菜、白色的米饭、黑色的木耳以及黄色的甜椒等等。
For example, tomatoes rank No.16 on the most nutritious vegetables list, but the first on the most favorite list for French. 举个例子,西红柿在营养最丰富的蔬菜中排在第十六位,但它在法国人最喜欢的蔬菜中却名列榜首。
For example, track accounts that exceed the maximum number of transactions allowed per day or single transactions that go over a certain amount. 例如,追踪超过每日允许的最大交易数的帐户或。。。某个帐户的单笔交易。
For example, trucks and busses are well suited for these purposes. 例如,卡车和公交车就非常适合这类运输。
For example, try changing the notes, rhythm, tempo, feel, positions, or articulations (such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, or slides). 例如试着变换音符,节奏,速度,感觉,位置或者技巧(如打弦,勾弦或者滑音。)
For example, two billion years ago (about when the Oklo deposit formed) uranium 235 must have constituted approximately 3 percent, which is roughly the level provided artificially in the enriched uranium used to fuel most nuclear power stations. 例如,20亿年前(大约是欧克陆矿床形成的时候)铀235的比率约为3%,浓度相当于大多数核能发电厂所使用、人工提炼出的高纯度铀。

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