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By pooling our talents and resources we can make space a new frontier of peace.

By plunging the hot metal into water,oil,or brine(quenching),the desirable characteristics are retained. 将灼热金属插入水中或盐水(淬火),还会保持理想的特性。
By pointing out that the line planning of UMT shall be processed on scientific research and rational utilization of urban space, the authors hold that this research contributes not only to urban space comprehensive development, but also to the constructio 提出应在科学规划、统筹利用、合理分配城市空间的基础上,进行城市轨道交通线路规划,这不仅有利于城市空间综合开发利用,也有利于轨道交通自身的建设。
By polarized light microscopy can be seen the etiology for most pneumoconioses (even those in coal miners)--silica crystals. 偏振光显微镜可见大多数尘肺的病原(甚至对于那些煤矿工人)--二氧化硅晶体。
By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician's politics books. 根据政策,警方不客气的把政客的政治书籍切成了薄片。
By polyploid nature and high levels of heterozygosity of vast majority pasture plants, it was rather complicated to construct linkage maps of them. 由于大多数牧草的多倍性和高度异质特点,牧草遗传连锁图谱的构建相对复杂。
By pooling our talents and resources we can make space a new frontier of peace. 如果我们把才能和资源汇合起来,就能把太空这个尚未开拓的疆域变成一个新的和平疆域。
By popular request, the chairman was re-elected. 徇众要求,主席获重选连任。
By posting articles on this forum, the authors acknowledge that they have read, understood and fully accepted the terms of this forum disclaimer. 用户在论坛发表帖子即表明该用户完全理解、同意并接受此声明。
By practice experience, the author describes some way and notice for correctly using this device and effectively analysing and treating the chief break-down on this device in this paper. 根据实际经验,介绍了行之有效地分析和处理该类仪器主要故障的方法以及正确使用该类仪器的注意事项等。
By practice yoga with its deep breathing techniques, and meditating of colours &sounds upon charkas, will receive most positive energy, balance yin and yang, releases stress and tiredness from inner body. 每一个式子对身体都有特别功效,配合健康饮食及生活作息,可调和内脏机能,松弛身心紧张,使修练者做好冥思的准备。
By precipitation data of 42 Gansu stations of loess plateau in March to July from 1961 to 2000 year and the soil weight information of moisture content at 11 agricultural meteorology stations from build station to 2000 year in March to November. 摘要利用甘肃黄土高原42个气象站1961-2000年3~7月降水量和11个农业气象观测站逐年3~11月上旬的土壤重量含水率资料,分析了甘肃黄土高原土壤水分的地域和时间分布特徵。

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