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After more than 20 years' experience in research and development, marketing, and international exchange and cooperation, we have developed a business process that covers the whole life cycle of the products, from planning, R &D, marketing &sales, manufact

After months of tedious haggling, Chelsea denied the announcement from the French club yesterday that the Ghana player is to have a medical examination today. 经过数月冗长乏味的讨价还价之后,切尔西否认了里昂俱乐部昨天关于埃辛将于今天接受体检的公告。
After more months of infighting on the orange side, Mr Yanukovich bounced back as prime minister. 在与橙色联盟的数月明争暗斗之后,雅鲁克维奇先生又一次卷土重来当上了国家总理。
After more than 15 years of exile in Angola, Zambia and other African countries, some 41,000 Namibian refugees went home. 在安哥拉、赞比亚和非洲其他国家流亡了15年多之后,约4.1万纳米比亚难民返回家乡。
After more than 15 years of work and over NT$100 billion in investment, the Chiang Wei-shui Freeway linking Taipei and Yilan has finally opened following recent completion of the Hsuehshan Tunnel. 经过十五年以上的施工,造价新台币一千多亿元、连接台北与宜兰的蒋渭水公路,随著雪山队道最近终于完工而正式通车。
After more than 20 years of the company refined, and continually improving production processes costumes, with the tide, and clothing production lines have been introduced from Germany and other garment processing equipment, employ ethnic Chinese in Franc 公司经过20余年的磨砺,不断改进服饰生产工艺,紧跟潮流,相继从德国引进服装生产流水线及其它服装加工设备,在法国高薪聘请华裔西服制版师;同时分派专人分季订购国内外流行面料,经过严格的蒸气预缩、取样检验,保证“老儿头”服饰集聚高质量、高品位系列化等高档品牌特质。
After more than 20 years' experience in research and development, marketing, and international exchange and cooperation, we have developed a business process that covers the whole life cycle of the products, from planning, R &D, marketing &sales, manufact 经过20余年技术研发与市场磨练,多方国际交流与合作,已形成由规划、研发、营销、制造、安装调试和售后服务等产品全生命周期业务流程。
After more than 30 years of research, he is known by many as one of the world's foremost authorities of the Mayan calendar. 经过了三十多年的研究,他被认为是众多位最重要的玛雅历法权威之一。
After more than 30 years protection, the islet is the cover Taiwan acacia, the beefwood, the black pine and the mountain cuckoo, the myrtle, the tree fern, the awn winnow basket, just like virgin forest. 经过30多年的保护,如今满岛皆是茂密的相思树、木麻黄、黑松和山杜鹃、桃金娘、树蕨、芒箕,犹如原始森林。
After more than a decade messing about writing some fine essays and autobiography mixed in with poor fiction and some questionable history, Martin Amis has suddenly—and unexpectedly, even to his publishers—turned in a work of real worth, a novel that not 过去十余年间,马丁?埃米斯一直在为撰写几篇优秀论文和一本夹杂着低俗虚构和一些不可靠的历史记载的自传而折腾不停,如今他却突然——甚至连他的出版商都意想不到的是——献出了一部真正有价值的著作,一部富于激情、有血有肉的小说,让人感到与其说是惊喜交加还不如说是心潮澎湃。
After more than a year of experiments on various crystals, Zhou and his colleagues discovered that sapphire could achieve just that. 经过一年多实验,试过多种晶体后,周崇武和同事发现蓝宝石有这种功能。
After more than a year, these local rules change stably, has provided the physical resource and the military strength for the afterwards Northern Expedition. 一年多后,这些地区的统治得以稳固,为后来的北伐提供了物力和兵力。

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