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Until now,there have been a few reports on the damage of the water pumps caused by sand and water cavitation.By use of the test loop for solid and liquid two phases,under the condition of 3%head drop,the damage location and relative degree of the sand and

Until now, this anonymous arrangement suited both the contractors and their clients. 现在,品牌所有者和代工工厂之间签订这种不公布工厂身份的协议很流行。
Until now, though, such genes have been discovered piecemeal, so no one knows how many there are. 直到现在,只是零星地发现这类基因,因此这些基因的数量仍旧是未知数。
Until now, your inquiries have been met with silence. 迄今为止,你的质疑毫无回应。
Until now,it is unlikey to exclude the possibility of earthquake . 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.
Until now,there has been no evidence that any bird could make the big leap to associating one sound exclusively with one object or quality. 直到现在,还没有证据表明任何鸟类能够在将一种声音与一种物体或具有某种特质的物体专门联系起来方面更进一步。
Until now,there have been a few reports on the damage of the water pumps caused by sand and water cavitation.By use of the test loop for solid and liquid two phases,under the condition of 3%head drop,the damage location and relative degree of the sand and 目前含沙水汽蚀对水泵损伤方面的报导甚少,本文利用固液两相流试验台,对离心泵闭式叶轮在含沙水汽蚀时(3%扬程下降点)的损伤部位和相对程度进行了试验研究,并将此结果与清水介质发生汽蚀时的损伤情况[13]及含沙水无汽蚀情况下的磨损情况[7]相比较,对其差异进行了分析,为今后进一步探讨叶轮损伤机理和叶型改进提供了实验依据。
Until now,we can't say whether his theory stand the test. 到目前为止我们还不能说他的理论是否经得住考验.
Until one day there are not , no hopes. 直到有一天没有一切,没有希望.
Until one day when Nicole went to a party at a local rave club with her best friend Margo and met a young man named David. 导演是在获临床心理学博士后又在纽约和南加州大学攻读电影专业的。
Until one day, the tailors couldn't think out of any new styles any more. 直到有一天,裁缝们再也想不出新的款式了。
Until people feel properly diagnosed they will not be open to prescriptions. 人们只有在感到得到了恰当的诊断之后才会愿意接受处方。

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