Sales of knock-off luxury goods, computer software and other items are ubiquitous in China.
假冒的高档商品、电脑软件和其他物品在中国市场随处可见。 |
Sales of nylon have been below par in recent years.
近年来尼纶织的销售额一直不及以往。 |
Sales of other consumer goods also rose.
其他消费品的销售量也增长了。 |
Sales of our new iced green teas have declined.
我们新款冰绿茶的销售出现了下滑。 |
Sales of our other health teashave fallen dramatically.
我们其它品种的“健康茶”销售已经出现了大幅下滑。 |
Sales of that book has been in excess of one million.
那本书销量超过一百万本. |
Sales of the dictionary are twice what they were in the same quarter last year.
这部词典的销售量是去年同季度的两倍. |
Sales of the product have been seriously hurt by the adverse publicity.
该产品受到了反面宣传, 销量大受影响. |
Sales of these handwork in Japanese is very good base on our experience.
根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。 |
Sales of these magnets, crafted from niobium-based compounds and alloys, continue to grow.
这些以铌化合物及合金制作成的磁铁,销售量持续成长。 |
Sales package content may vary by region.
销售包装内容可能因地区而异. |