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Up to now, paper-cuts are popular in countrysides throughout China.

Up to now, it can't be clear away of possibility of earthquake. 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.
Up to now, it is won't exclude the possiblity of the earthquake. 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.
Up to now, more than 100 trace compo nents of Chinese rice wine were detected by GC, GC-MS and HPLC, including alcohols, aldehydes, organic acids, esters, phenolics and nitro gen-containing compounds and so on. 从微量成分的种类上看,中国黄酒中目前已经检测到的微量成分达100种以上,包括醇类、醛类、酸类、酯类、酚类、含氮化合物,以及其它化合物。
Up to now, more than seven 3-dimensional structures of the bacterial lipase have been elucidated and thirty bacterial lipase DNA sequences were determined. 迄今为止,已有7个细菌脂肪酶的三维结构被阐明,30个细菌脂肪酶的基因序列被测定和分析。
Up to now, over 300 kinds of microorganism oil bacteria were developed and put into field test and application. 截止目前,已经培育和开发出以烃类为碳源的采油微生物菌种300余株,并投入矿场实验和推广应用。
Up to now, paper-cuts are popular in countrysides throughout China. 直到现今,在乡下还能见到红红火火的剪纸景观。
Up to now, several documents have arrived at the Beijing Civil Aviation Administration by special delivery from Paris, Hong Kong and the United States and have been delivered to the addressees by the employee. 到目前为止已由北京民航局收到自巴黎、香港和美国发来的速递文件数件,由该公司雇用的工作人员送投收件人。
Up to now, she has the CCSI database of products covering 60% GDP of China, w-hich cover many micro-industries 、 industries and b-rands. and also she has a world-class research work team, and advanced Computer Assisted Telephone I-nterview (CATI) system. 其中开发了具有国际先进水平并符合中国国情的中国顾客满意指数模型,该成果成功地应用于政府工作和企业决策中,测评中心还拥有覆盖我国GDP的60%产品类型的顾客满意指数数据库,配备有国际先进的计算机电话调查系统和分析处理软件,并形成了一支专业的队伍。
Up to now, still not excluding the probability of earthquake. 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.
Up to now, tax affairs of 1.69 million taxpayers was processes through this tax agent platform, which would be very much valuable in effectively gathering and managing data, supervising and controlling tax source and improving efficiency of tax collection 税管员平台上线运行后,促进征管基础数据的全面采集和有效管理,对于完善税源监控管理、提高征管质量和效率起到了明显的促进作用。
Up to now, technology has been just groping. 到目前为止,科技仅仅在黑暗中摸索。

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