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Too many kids never even take off the cellophane wrapping on their cassettes.

Too many films trivialize violence. 有许许多多影片把暴力行为描述成是鸡毛蒜皮的事.
Too many foreigners own liquor stores these days. 现在有太多外国人有饮品店。
Too many graphics will distract from your content, or, worse, force readers to search for it. 过多的图片会分散他们阅读文本内容的注意力;或者,更糟的是,会使得用户对站点信息无从查询。
Too many high risk loans were blamed for the failure of the nation (nation's) second largest subprime lender. 全球第二大的次优贷款者因为太多高风险贷款而失败(破产?)。
Too many high-risk loans were blamed for the failure of the nation's second largest subprime lender. 许多高风险贷款的产生,都归咎于国家第二次级贷款借贷者的失败。
Too many kids never even take off the cellophane wrapping on their cassettes. 我们发现很多孩子的磁带竟然封套都还没有撕掉。
Too many links to other sites, to internal Web pages, and to internal multimedia resources don't work properly. 太多到其他网站、到内部网页、以及到内部多媒体资源的超连结不能正常作用。
Too many messages cancel each other out. 信息太多只会相互埋没。
Too many of his focal points are occupied by the image of Eva's latte and Eva herself. 他关注的焦点太多地放在了伊娃的拿铁咖啡和伊娃本人的形象上了了。
Too many of those who work in unskilled jobs are illiterate and need their workmates to read for them. 太多从事非技术工作的人都是文盲,需要他们的工作夥伴帮他们阅读。
Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves. 我们中间太多的人把美国人看成是财迷。这是一种残忍的谎言,尽管美国人自己也无意中传播了这种想法。

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