Confession is the first step to repentance.
悔罪必先认罪。 |
Confessions of a Shopaholic was crap.
《购物狂自白录》真胡扯。 |
Confidante. You and another share a permanent mental bond.
知己术:你与另一个人共享一个永久的心灵链接。 |
Confide and talk to someone whom you trust about your problem.
不开心的时候,把内心的感受表达出来,例如找人倾诉、哭泣,都有帮助。 |
Confide your true feelings in a friend.
去向你的朋友吐露你真实的感觉吧。 |
Confidence &Determination is the key point at the beginning of success; Persistence &Patience is the key point at the terminal of success; Method &hard work is the key point at the course of success.
成功的起点在于信心,在于决心;成功的终点在于毅力,在于耐心;成功的过程在于方法,在于努力。 |
Confidence - You can now easily tell what your board and supporters think about your performance in the game through the new confidence section.
信任度-信任度部分让你更方便的获知董事会以及支持者对你表现的信心和满意程度。 |
Confidence comes not from alaways being right, but from not fearing to be wrong.
信心不是来自永远都是对的,而是来自不犯错误。 |
Confidence comes not from always being right,but from not fearing to be wrong.
信心不是来自永远都是对的,而是来自不怕犯错。 |
Confidence comes not from always being rihgt,but from not fearing to bewrong.
信心不是来自永远都正确,而是来自于不害怕犯错误. |
Confidence doesn't come out of nowhere.It's a result of something...hours and days weeks and years of constant work and dedication.
信心不是从天上掉下来的.一定是来自于....日复一日,年复一年不间断的努力和贡献. |