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I was awakened by a frightful clap of thunder.

I was attracted by the striking idea. 我被这个惊人的想法吸引住了。
I was attracted by this stone. 就被这块石头吸引住了。
I was awake all night. 我彻夜未眠。
I was awaken at 4 a.m. the following morning by a telephone message from the F.O. to the effect that Germany had attacked Russia. 翌日晨四时,我被外交部打来的电话惊醒,电话说,德国已经进攻俄国了。
I was awakened at 2 A.M. by a call from my building's front desk, telling me that my sister-in-law was downstairs and wanted to come up. 凌晨两点,我被大楼门房打来的电话唤醒,告知我的嫂嫂正在楼下准备上来看我。
I was awakened by a frightful clap of thunder. 我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。
I was awakened by the chirps of the birds this morning. 今天早晨我被鸟叫声唤醒。
I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒.
I was awarded Triple-A student last semester. 上学期我被评为三好学生。
I was aware of what he was aiming at. 我知道他在打什么主意[他的意图是什么我一清二楚]。
I was aware that I was wrong. 我意识到我错了.

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