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Bassanio told Antonio that he was in love with Portia.

Basque Folklore - Essays and links. 巴斯克民俗散文和链接.
Basque separatists, Hamas militants, the Irish Republican Army, and Kashmiri Muslims have all shared one experience and one response: all inhabit or have inhabited nation states where in one way or another the claim is made that political society can be h 巴斯克分离组织,哈马斯恐怖组织,爱尔兰共和军,喀什米尔穆斯林都有着同样的经历和同样的态度:他们都居住在或者曾经居住在民族主义盛行的国家里,在这些民族国家当中,人们以这种或那种方式宣称,只有共同的种族,宗教信仰和文化习俗才可以使一个政治社会紧密联结在一起。
Bass guitar is easy to learn, flexible for slow and fast songs with the combination of both rhythmic and melodic parts and it is inseparable for a worship team. 低音吉他是一个容易学习而富有弹性的乐器─它能应用在慢歌或快歌,并能融合节奏及旋律部份,是一个敬拜小组不可缺少的乐器。
Bass-voiced Orthodox priests beseeched God to forgive the sins of Russia's first president. 声音低沉的东正教牧师祈求上帝原谅俄罗斯首任总统的罪过。
Bassanio introduced Antonio to Portia and told her about the trial in full. 巴塞尼奥向波西亚介绍安东尼奥,并将法庭审判的经过一一告诉了她。
Bassanio told Antonio that he was in love with Portia. 巴萨尼奥告诉安东尼奥说他爱上鲍西娅了。
Bassanio, Antonio's best friend, was in love with Portia, a rich andbeautiful lady who also loved him. 巴萨尼奥是安东尼奥最好的朋友,他爱上了一位富有、漂亮的女子鲍西娅,她也爱他.
Bassanio, Antonios best friend, was in love with Portia, a rich and beautiful lady who also loved him. 安东尼奥的挚友巴萨尼奥爱上了一位富有而美丽的女子鲍西娅,而鲍西娅也爱他。
Bassing on the theory of equivalent calculates, this paper utilizes the data structure and C++ program design language, to analyze the logic structure of proposition formula, designs the saving structu-re that use the broad sense menu chained list, and ex 本文针对等值演算理论,通过数据结构和C++程序设计语言,分析了命题公式的逻辑结构,设计出用广义表单链表的存储结构,并在此基础上探讨了如何实现其基本操作,从而进一步阐明了复杂等值演算的计算机实现算法。
Bassist Wong Ka Keung said, After all that we have done, we are disappointed that no one has tried to follow in our footsteps and emulate our success. 贝斯手黄家强谈道:「在我们开创版图之后,很遗憾没有后人试着跟随我们的脚步、超越前人的成就。
Baste stitch to keep the pocket closed is too tight, make 8-10 stitches per in to close it and leave ? 假缝要保存被关闭的口袋一针太紧,制造8-10针每一在关它和休假?

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