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At present, it is urgent to carry out social work in enterprise, at the same time, it also faces many opportunities.

At present, it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof. 目前,这一观点已被人普遍接受,但只是作为一种不言自明的说法,而不是经过严格推理的科学论证而被接受的。
At present, it is necessary to focus on reinforcing the staff of copyright administrative and enforcing agencies at various levels to ensure the effective implementation of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China. 当前要重点加强各级著作权行政执法机关的力量,保障《中华人民共和国著作权法》的有效实施。
At present, it is of great importance to improve the cohesion of Chinese Nation. 摘要在当代,提升中华民族凝聚力具有十分重要的价值。
At present, it is producing various models of clutches and release bearings, which are sold to Australia, America, South Asia and all through the countries, furthermore, they are commonly praised by clients and enjoy high reputation among craft brothers. 现产各种系列车型的离合器和分离轴承,产品销往澳、美、东南亚各国及全国各地,获得客户一至好评,在同行业中有较高的声誉。
At present, it is seeking to cooperate with foreign-owned and domestic enterprises in various ways, including acquirement, merger, holding, buying shares, as well as the exchange of stock ownership with the business departments of some foreign trade compa 并正在不断寻求同外资和国企多种合作,包括兼并、收购、控股、参股,以及同外贸公司业务部的股权互换。
At present, it is urgent to carry out social work in enterprise, at the same time, it also faces many opportunities. 摘要当前,开展企业社会工作具有迫切性,同时又面临着千载难逢的大好机遇。
At present, it is urgent to set up a comprehensive mechanism to nurture and encourage entrepreneurs, which will ultimately spur economic growth. 当前应该建立完善的企业家培育和激励机制,以促进经济的发展。
At present, it mainly develops and sale solar energy traffic signal lamp. 我们致力于太能系列产品的开发、生产和销售。
At present, many projects on Sourceforge, a directory of open source endeavors, involve one or two people and are largely unstructured and undisciplined. 目前,许多项目都在开源领域得到发展,只是他们没有很好得组织和训练。
At present, many research works focus on forest pest fields in Japan. 摘要该文重点对近2a日本松材线虫病的研究文献进行整理分析。
At present, many researches regard rutin quercetin as criterion calibre, then carry out content determination of flavonoid in the plant. 目前多以芦丁、槲皮素为标准品,进行植物中黄酮含量的测定。

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