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Have you seen a whitish object ducking to and fro?’, Ah Ming asked.

Have you seen Kate lately? 最近你看见凯特了吗?
Have you seen Mr Smith at present. 最近你见过史密斯先生吗?
Have you seen Neville's toad? 你们看见纳威的蟾蜍了吗?
Have you seen Peter recently? (你最近有看到彼得吗?。)
Have you seen Tom Smith's conker? He's got ever such big one! 你看到过汤姆·史密斯的七叶树吗?他有一棵非常大的七叶树。
Have you seen a whitish object ducking to and fro?’, Ah Ming asked. 佢班同僚周围望完一轮之后,对住阿明讲:「白色物体就见唔倒,但系就见到有粒饭黐住你眼捷毛......」
Have you seen any of those old Westerns where the posse rides after the bad guys in a cloud of dust? 你有没有看过西部片里,民团人员骑著马在一阵沙尘风扬中,在坏人身后追逐著。
Have you seen anybody about it? 你找医生看过吗?
Have you seen health condition of mentally and physiology in your body? 您看见过自己的健康或亚健康吗?
Have you seen health or sub-health of yourself? 您看见过自己的健康或亚健康吗?
Have you seen her lately ? 你最近见过她吗?

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