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Adjustable current 0~2A used for mobile phone quick charger without damage of lithium battery.

Adjust the underling people PA and salary status according to HR policy. 根据人事部门政策,对通道人员绩效考核/薪水调整。
Adjust to life on Caribbean time on Barbados' picturesque shores. 在巴巴多斯风景如画的海滩上,按照加勒比海时间,适应一下生活吧。
Adjust your design to the purpose of your web content. 五请选符合网页内容的外观。
Adjust your eyewear once in a while during your tanning session will help reduce the demarcation of tanned to non-tanned skin. 在您每次晒黑的时候每隔一小会儿调整下您的眼镜,这样帮助可以减少晒黑和没晒黑皮肤的明显区别。
Adjust your heart and face the music. 调整心态,正确面对.
Adjustable current 0~2A used for mobile phone quick charger without damage of lithium battery. 连续可调恒流输出0~2A,可作为手机快速充电器,不损锂电池。
Adjustable ergonomics design of working angle. 所有的片式元件均可以计算。
Adjustable hemming folder, it‘‘s easily to change the hemming function. 可调式折边缝诱导器:简易可调式折边缝诱导器,轻易切换折边缝功能。
Adjustable lens allow us to see the pigment in the corium and the skin aging problem. 可调节看到皮肤真皮层色素的沉积部位,检测皮肤的老化程度等。
Adjustable output voltage function: AVR output voltage can be adjusted ± 10% of input voltage according user requirement. So it can be used for various machines. 开机自我检测功能:可防止开机马上送电输出,以确保输出电压之正确性。
Adjustable shading gives greater control while enabling daylight levels and views to be manipulated. 可调节式遮阳给与你更大的可控性,可以选择和调整太阳光的强弱和视野。

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