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To prevent premature part failure and consequential damage, it is important to pay special attention to the quality of the fan motor used.

To prevent misunderstandings I'd like to emphasize that this does not mean the GPL is the only acceptable license. 为了避免误解,我想要强调这并不表示GPL是唯一可以接受的许可证。
To prevent nursing bottle mouth, as shown to the right, if you must give your baby a bottle at nap or bed time, fill it with plain water - not milk, formula or juice. 要避免奶嘴牙的发生,介绍怎样才能正确避免,如果你不得不在你的孩子小睡或夜里休息时给他一个奶瓶的话,那么要将瓶内装清水而不是牛奶,婴儿食品或者是果汁。
To prevent of disease of milk secretion ,and improve quantity and quality of products. 防止家畜泌乳症,提高乳产量和质量。
To prevent possible accidents because of electric shock or damaged electrical component(s), turn OFF the power switch in prior to the connection/disconnection of the power plug. 为了防止触电和损坏电气零件,拔电源的插头时,请先关掉机器电源开。
To prevent premature failure of the reinforced plastic fiberglass sucker rod, high quality products should be purchased, proper wells should be selected, the rod string design should be based on the stress range chart and operation and management should b 为防止玻璃钢抽油杆早期失效,应严把产品进货质量关;正确选择油井;按应力范围图进行玻璃钢杆柱设计;按要求作业施工;完善生产管理措施。
To prevent premature part failure and consequential damage, it is important to pay special attention to the quality of the fan motor used. 为了防止汽车零部件过早失灵并造成相应危害,要特别注意所用风扇电机的质量。
To prevent problems from arising after the product is shipped, the quality must be checked before-hand - and the best time to check quality is throughout the whole design and manufacturing cycle. 为了防止在产品运输当中出现的问题,交货前必须进行质量检查,而且类似的检查最好贯穿整个设计-制造流程。
To prevent risks, third-party guarantee mechanism is a suitable choice which is adopted in country alliances. 然而,它也是一种危险的联盟,往往充满了合作风险,如资产专用性投资风险和知识外溢风险。
To prevent the breaker against closing operation when the breaker is in OFF state. 当断路器处于分断状态下,防止断路器合闸。
To prevent the damages caused by geological disasters, on the basis of the detailed analysis and studies on the type, feature, location and harmfulness of geological disasters in road of Beijing mountain area, emergency and prevention countermeasures agai 为了防止山区公路地质灾害可能造成的危害,笔者通过对北京山区公路所遭受的地质灾害类型、发育特征、分布规律等特点及其所造成的危害进行分析、研究,提出了山区公路地质灾害应急与防治对策,以提高北京市的防灾减灾能力,减少和避免地质灾害造成的损失。
To prevent the queen from crawling up to the top and laying eggs, a screen can be inserted between the brood chamber and the supers. 为了防止蜂王爬到顶端生蛋,一个筛子被插到窝室和空盒之间。

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