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Rhetoric in the broad sense, however, proceeding form the break-through of linguistic ontology and expressing techniques, attempts to root the rhetoric theories in a broader field involving social and humane studies, psychology, or even natural beings.

Reyfman and Toft. Credit Derivatives - A Risk Management Tool for Non-Bank Corporations. (2001). 信用衍生性金融商品-适用非银行公司的风险管理工具。(2001年)。
Reykiavík has a population of around 170,000 and offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan culture and local village roots. 雷克雅未克大约有人口17万,是大都市文化与地方乡村特色的有趣结合。
Reykiavík, the capital of Iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes forged by ice and fire. 雷克雅未克是冰岛的首府,夜半不落的太阳或冰与火交织而成的神奇景观成为冰岛特色的一部分。
Reynold s eyes, and I saw a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. 我看到一颗泪珠正缓缓地从他的面颊上滚下来。
Rhetoric aside, India solicited and received ample aid from Canada, the U.S. and other countries. 除了煽动性的说词,印度向美加等国取经,也得到了充足援助。
Rhetoric in the broad sense, however, proceeding form the break-through of linguistic ontology and expressing techniques, attempts to root the rhetoric theories in a broader field involving social and humane studies, psychology, or even natural beings. 广义修辞学以突破语言学本位观念、走出技巧论为出发点,力图把修辞学理论扎根在更为广泛的社会人文、心理思维、乃至自然存在的基础上。
Rhetoric is abyssal and aberrant. 修辞是深奥而异常的。
Rhetorical question is one of the most frequently used sentence types in Chinese; however, foreign students usually can't use it correctly, which results from the subtle moods Chinese rhetorical questions have and the special contexts they depend on. 摘要反问句是汉语使用相当频繁的一种句式,但留学生却往往不能很好地运用它,这与汉语反问句语气的复杂和使用的语境有一定关系。
Rhetorically, Mr Murdoch hit all the right notes. 默多克先生说起话来头头是道。
Rhett : Oh, scarlet, don't say that! 瑞德:哦,斯佳丽,别提了!
Rhett : Suppose we get down to the truth. 瑞德:打开天窗说亮话吧。

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