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The first numbness had passed off.

The first name is the generic name and the second is the specific (or species) name. 第一个词为植物的属名,第二个为种名。
The first national celebration of Memorial Day (originally Decoration Day) took place May 30, 1868, at Arlington National Cemetery. 第一个阵亡将士纪念日(最初称为勋章日)于1868年的5月11日在阿灵顿国家公墓正式举行纪念仪式。
The first national professional comic dialogues art group for children, whose director Qin Xuan is the first student from North music art school in Tianjin China that receives formal comic dialogues training and the only descendant in Taiwan that learns L 国内第一个专业儿童说唱艺术团体,团长秦轩是第一位考进位于天津的中国北方曲艺学校接受正统相声训练的演员,更是即将失传的『拉洋片』台湾唯一传人。
The first natural frequency map in working space was drawn, which can be useful for selecting proper working position to avoid resonance or low-order harmonic oscillation. 讨论了频率求解精度、收敛性与单元横向弹性位移型函数以及单元数量之间的关系。
The first networks for mobile phones, as well as broadcast transmissions, were analog. 第一个手机网络和广播传输网络都是模拟的。
The first numbness had passed off. 起初的那种麻木不仁的感觉消失了。
The first octave of love carries the gift of change, of determination, of making visions manifest into form and of forgiveness. 爱的第一个八度音阶带来了变革、决心、使梦想成真及宽恕的礼物。
The first of May is International Labour Day. 五月一日是国际劳动节。
The first of all laws is to respect the laws. 尊重法律是最首要的法律.
The first of several gates aimed at protecting the tower as well as the adjacent medieval cathedral and baptistery has been put into place. 首批旨在保护斜塔及其附近的中世纪教堂和洗礼堂的安全门已经安装完毕。
The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. 19地里首先初熟之物要送到耶和华你神的殿。不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。

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