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Learning to speak English is physical work.

Learning to fly is the instinct of bird. 鸟儿学飞是出于本能。
Learning to love requires the opening of the heart chakra, which in time buds into the 1000-pedal lotus of the Bodhisattva. 学会爱需要打开心轮,在菩萨时期绽放为千瓣莲花。
Learning to play the piano is not easy. It takes tremendous patience and time to work through every single piece of music. 学会弹钢琴不是容易的事,需要很大的耐性和时间去学习每一支曲子.
Learning to read well is one of life's greatest joys, not least because reading is power. 学得擅读是人生最大的乐趣之一,很重要的,因它是一种能力。
Learning to speak English is a piece of cake. 学说英语是小菜一碟。
Learning to speak English is physical work. 学习英语是体力劳动。
Learning to take responsibility for his/her own day-to-day care. It s important to encourage children not to be too dependent on parents or other adults. 渐渐学会自己承担起控制日常病情的责任,家长要鼓励孩子不要依赖成人。
Learning to type is so easy . 学打字很容易.
Learning to type is very easy. 学打字很容易。
Learning to walk again after his accident required great patience. 他出事后重新学习走路要有极大的毅力。
Learning typewrite is very easy. 学打字很容易.

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