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Unless the policy otherwise provides, where a declaration of value is not made until after notice of loss or arrival, the policy must be treated as an unvalued policy as regards the subject to matter of that declaration.

Unless the dispute can be settled, the summer transfer window could close with Boumsong still on Tyneside. 如果这次变动不能解决,夏季转会市场的窗口也可能会在这之前对布姆松关闭.
Unless the hole swallows matter or energy to make up the loss, the Hawking radiation will drain it of all its mass. 除非黑洞吞噬新物质或新能量来弥补损失,要不然霍金辐射会把它所有的质量洩漏个精光。
Unless the image of God be obliterated from the soul, all men cherish the love of liberty. 人人珍藏热爱自由之心,除非上帝的形象已在人的灵魂中抹去。
Unless the opposing man is slow-footed, drives are usually ineffective in mixed and take the woman out of the rally. 除非对方的男选手移动速度较慢,挑高球在混双中不是有效的得分方法和把女选手调离网前倒是不错的主意。
Unless the pioneer of online retailing can provide downloadable media it risks being “disintermediated”—rather as only a decade ago high-street bookshops, music and video stores were disintermediated by Amazon itself. 这位网上零售业的先驱得推出可下载媒体服务,否则它就会冒“被去中介化”的风险——如同10年前,亚马逊如何对待高速公路边的书店、音乐店和视频商店的一样。
Unless the policy otherwise provides, where a declaration of value is not made until after notice of loss or arrival, the policy must be treated as an unvalued policy as regards the subject to matter of that declaration. 除非保险单另有规定,在收到损失通知或抵达之前未申报价值的情况下,对该申报的标的物,保险单应视为不定值保险单。
Unless the power released is used to express His spirit with and for others, it will but inflame our lower natures. 除非释放的力量用于为他人以及和他人一起表达圣灵,否则它只会烧着我们低下的天性。
Unless the reformer can invent something which substitutes attractive virtues for attractive vices, he will fail. 改革者要想成功,就必须创造出有吸引力的成就,来取代那些明显的缺陷。
Unless the service of process may be set aside, any argument that the court should not act on its jurisdiction must be put forward by way of an application for a stay of proceedings made according to Civil Procedure Rules. 除非传票的送达被撤销,任何关于法院不应当行使管辖权的抗辩,要通过依《民事诉讼规则》第11章提出的中止诉讼申请提出。
Unless there is a change in course, living standards will eventually be compromised. 除非改变做法,否则将最终危及人民生活水平的提高。
Unless there is an automatic system for processing condemned carcasses and viscera, waterproof containers which can store condemned carcass and viscera shall be installed in the inspection station,, and shall have mark of word “CONDEMNED”. 除使用自动化系统处理废弃之屠体、内脏者外,应于检查站内设置明显标示「废弃」字样之不漏水废弃屠体及内脏存放设备。

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