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Girl: Yesterday, I called a man a son of a Bitch.

Girl: Yes, Sir. Go this way, please. 女孩:当然可以,先生,请走这边。
Girl: Yes, that's what he did. 女孩:是的,是这样子没错。
Girl: Yes. We were living in the south end of town. My parents wanted to move to a nicer area. 女孩:嗯,我们以前住在城南的尽头。我父母想居住一处环境较好的地方。
Girl: Yesterday, I called a ma a so of a itch. 女孩:昨天,我骂了某个男人一句:「你这个狗娘养的!」
Girl: Yesterday, I called a man a son of a Bitch. 女孩:昨天,我骂了某个男人一句:「你这个狗娘养的!」
Girl: Yesterday, I called a man a son of a Bitch. 女孩:昨天我说粗话骂一男子是狗娘养的。
Girl: You have no appreciation of art! 女孩:你不懂得欣赏艺术!
Girlfriend also seems to have a problem co-existing with my Golf program, often trying to abort Golf with some sort of timing incompatibility. 女友软件似乎与我的高尔夫软件也有兼容问题,常常出现时间不相容并试图让高尔夫软件异常中断。
Girlfriend girls are more than twice as likely to agree that they were born to shopand that they wear clothes to get noticedcompared with the average woman. 《女朋友》的女孩们同意自己“生来就是为了逛商店”以及“穿衣服就是为了受人注意”的可能性两倍于一般女性。
Girlfriend magazine also gives advertisers opportunities that will leave no stone unturned in their quest to be in touch with the latest teen trends and to provide both entertaining and reliable information to the magazine's audience. 《女朋友》杂志还向广告商们提供一切机会,供其把握青少年的最新趋势,并向该杂志的读者提供娱乐性的可靠信息。
Girlfriend: It's rained every day for the past month. I'm sick of it! 女朋友:上个月每天都在下雨,讨厌极了!

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