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This paper, making use of the firsthand materials of fieldwork, taking the endogamy of the Zangs in Zhuocang as a case, analyzes that the Zangs in Zhuocang is how to maintain the feeling of ethnic group and strengthen the identity of ethnic group.

This paper, in the light of Pierre Boudieu's notion of social identity, tries to demonstrate the irresistibility of such separateness and the unavoidability of the conflict of social identities in the context of colonialism. 本文从社会学的角度,试图通过个体的社会认同之间的冲突来诠释这一隔离感,并认为在特定的殖民主义背景下,这一隔离感源自社会认同的冲突,是不同社会群体之间利益斗争的必然产物。
This paper, in the process of a historical survey, tries to expose a long neglected phenomenon, that is, although, under the strong influence of Western culture, the oriental cultural communityhas been disintegrated, its inner link and transaction have no 摘要本文通过对丰子恺与竹久梦二关系的考察和梳理,揭示一个向来被忽略的现象:近代以降,在西方强势文化的冲击下,“东方文化共同体”震荡解体,但其深层的联系和互动并没有因此而中断。
This paper, in view of the comparison and analysis of poetic theory and the way of analyzing poems in Seven Types of Ambiguity by William Empson and that of in The Examples of Plural Meanings of Poems by ZHU Zi-qing, expounds the influence of ambiguity th 摘要主要通过燕卜荪的《复义七型》中的复义理论及其诗歌分析方法和朱自清的《诗多义举例》中的诗歌理论及其诗歌分析方法的比较和分析,用以说明新批评的复义理论对朱自清诗歌理论的影响以及他在运用该理论分析中国古典诗歌时所生发的一种变异现象。
This paper, intends, by way of analyzing Descartes' philosophical theory, to clarify Descartes' proposal of simplifying philosophy and returning to life. 通过对维特根斯坦哲学思想的分析,旨在阐明其从根本上消解哲学,回归生活实践的主张。
This paper, introducing mainly the function, module instruction and data file of REMAX management system software, proves that it is a powerful professional software of water resources optimal management in the world with a good development prospect. 摘要本文主要介绍REMAX管理系统软件功能、模块结构和数据文件,证明它是当今世界上水资源优化管理系统功能强大的专业软件,具有美好的发展方向和前景。
This paper, making use of the firsthand materials of fieldwork, taking the endogamy of the Zangs in Zhuocang as a case, analyzes that the Zangs in Zhuocang is how to maintain the feeling of ethnic group and strengthen the identity of ethnic group. 摘要本文利用田野调查的第一手资料,以卓仓藏族内婚制为个案,从族群边缘的角度探寻卓仓藏族是如何维系族群情感和加强族群认同的问题。
This paper, manifesting the close relationship between world city formationin Pan Asia and developmental states, combines a prospect with economic performance of Reform China and hypotheses of world city, and suggest that by state dominating investing and 文中说明了亚太地区世界都市的形成与国家的发展过程是有直接相关的,并把中国在改革开放后的经济表现与未来形成世界城市的可能性归类,认为上海和北京在国家有计划的空间策略与大量的投资之下,未来将逐渐地转型成为世界城市。
This paper, on the basis of elaborating the structure of expandable screen and the mechanism of sand control, analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of well completion technology of sand control by means of expandable screen. 摘要可膨胀筛管防砂完井技术是一种新型的防砂技术,在对可膨胀筛管的结构、防砂机理等方面进行阐述的基础上,对其优缺点进行了对比和分析。
This paper, on the basis of the practice in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, makes a contrastive analysis of the different cultural connotations of the same expression from the perspective of the secondary meaning of words and pragmatics. 根据对外汉语教学实践,从词语的附属义和语用角度对比分析日语和汉语中存在的语言的不同文化意义。
This paper, on the basis of theories of functional linguistics, explores the implication of the three elements of register in journalistic English discourse and the application of registral analysis of journalistic English discourse. 本文以系统功能语言学的理论为基础,探讨了语域三要素在新闻英语语篇中的体现和语域理论在新闻英语语篇分析中的应用。
This paper, starting from the background of the age of them, makes a comparison with regard to the differences in their division of powers, regulating models and theoretical focuses, pointing out their own theoretical shortcomings and raising doubts about 本文从分析二者所处的时代背景入手,比较他们在权力的划分方式、制衡方式以及理论重点等方面的不同,指出他们各自的理论缺陷,同时对一些流行的观点提出质疑。

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