MERE 800-A highly chlorinated pale minral oil.It can release lubricating compounds under conditions of intense local heat and pressuregenerated in severe metal froming operations.Suitable for use on stainless steel,mild steel and aluminium.It can be clean
美力800-高度氯化淡黄色矿物油,在轧制成型的高温高压下,能释放出特殊的润滑剂,可加工不锈钢、软钢及铝金属,可用毛滚子装置或人工涂抹于工件上,加工完毕,可用溶剂碱性清洗剂清洗。 |
MERGECOPY Merges the colors of the source rectangle with the brush currently selected in hdcDest, by using the Boolean AND operator.
将源矩形中的颜色与当前目标设备环境选中的画刷通过逻辑与操作进行混合。 |
MERGEPAINT Merges the colors of the inverted source rectangle with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator.
将源矩形的颜色反色后与目标矩形的颜色通过逻辑或操作进行混合。 |
MERIDIAN, Idaho - Banning baseball caps during tests was obvious — students were writing the answers under the brim.
MERIDIAN爱达荷-禁止戴棒球帽进考场似乎很合理,因为学生可以将考题答案藏在帽沿下面。 |
MERO 101 Inhibits surface oxidation on brass,Copper alloy and aluminum,provide short-time indoor corrosion inhitition.
MERO 102粘度较高,能在金属表面形成保护油层,有效的保护金属不受外界的腐蚀,适用于黑色金属的长期封存。 |
MERO 102 is high viscidity can protect membrane to from in metal surface,suitable for the seal up for keeping for a long time of ferrous metal.
MERO 102粘度较高,能在金属表面形成保护油层,有效的保护金属不受外界的腐蚀,适用于黑色金属的长期封存。 |
MERTON : It doesn't make sense.
莫顿:没有道理。 |
MERTON : What does she want?
莫顿:她要什么? |
MESBIC's are the result of the belief that providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sou
MESBIC的建立基于这种信念:为已建公司提供方便,使它更容易获得相关的管理技术更具体的工作经验以及大笔资金要比简单地给予一般管理经验和小笔资金更能使它们获得机会去建立稳固的商业基础。 |
MESEREAU: I really didn't, because to convict him of any of the misdemeanor counts, you had to believe the accuser beyond a reasonable doubt.
我真的没有担心过,因为任何证明轻罪的前提都是,你必须超越合理怀疑的相信原告。 |
MESEREAU: The judge was an outstanding jurist.
非常杰出的法官。 |