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On the contrary, skipjack prices are slightly rising.

On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. 相反的,学习应该是一种无止境的历程,从生到死。
On the contrary, mandatory registration of online publications might stifle the free exchange of ideas, opinions, and information on the Internet. 反而,如果强制要求网上出版物必须通过政府的许可,将会使网络上的思想、意见、以及信息的自由交换活动被扼杀。
On the contrary, many other economies have put on a spurt. 相反的,很多其他的经济体喷涌。
On the contrary, my caring liberates both of us. 与此相反,我的关心会使我们两个都不受到束缚。
On the contrary, say defenders of pizza, it is indeed a healthful food. 相反地,为比萨辩护的人则说它确实是一种健康食品。
On the contrary, skipjack prices are slightly rising. 另外,箭鱼的价格也在回升。
On the contrary, some rare animals are our good friends. 相反,一些稀有动物确是人类的好朋友。
On the contrary, the compiler writer can assume that a knowledgeable programmer may be willing to reorganize a program to get optimal results from the compiler. 相反地,编译器作者可以假定一个在行的程序设计者愿意编译器重新组织他的程序以得到最优化结果。
On the contrary, the imbalance of Sino-American trade is outstanding and China becomes the scapegoatwhich alleviates the Japan-American trade conflicts. 相反,中美贸易不平衡突出,中国成为缓解日美国贸易摩擦的替罪羊。
On the contrary, the increasement of anion in the living space can directly have the use of health care and treatment. 与此相反,增加人类生存空间中负离子数量,可直接带来保健和治疗作用。
On the contrary, the reading of main thematic section might help us to survey and discriminate between the complicated phenomena shown in the works and their answers to different given questions. 相反,通过主题文章的阅读,我们可以获得一定的理论视角,去审视和辨析其中复杂的现象以及各个作品所针对的不同问题和特定解答。

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