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Much of the world would come to resemble ... well, the Korean demilitarized zone, where no one has set foot for more than half a century, now a mecca for Korean bird watchers.

Much of the wealth of the richest is held in shares in start-up companies. 最有钱的那些人的大部分财富都集中在新创建公司的股份中。
Much of the wisdom discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farmers and gardeners today. 早期中国科学家发现的大部分真知现在对农民和园艺工人仍然有用.
Much of the work focuses on designing hydrogen fuel cells that would generate electricity to drive the car, at first in combination with a petrol engine. 多数的研究方向都集中于设计可以产生电流来驱动汽车的氢燃料电池,并在最初与汽油引擎相结合。
Much of the world assumes—with justification—that China hopes to use the games as a global coming-out party, raising its international profile and softening its image. 世界上大部分都有理由相信中国希望利用这个全球奥运会展示自己,提升自己的国际形象并优化之。
Much of the world still relies on herbs for its medicines. 很多国家现在还主要依赖天然植物药物。
Much of the world would come to resemble ... well, the Korean demilitarized zone, where no one has set foot for more than half a century, now a mecca for Korean bird watchers. 世界上大半地区会很像南北韩停战区,那里已有半世纪不见人烟,如今已成韩国赏鸟专家的圣地。
Much of this agenda will take years, even decades, to implement. 上述很多措施的实施将需要数年、甚至数十年的时间。
Much of this country is traversable only by four- wheel- drive vehicle or pack train. 该国大部分地区只有四轮驱动的车辆和驮畜队才能通过。
Much of this draws on the upstart science of happiness, which mixes psychology with economics (see article). 这就要借助刚起步的幸福科学,它综合了心理学和经济学(见文章)。
Much of this is plain bad manners. 多数这种行为被归咎于不文明的恶习。
Much of this money still lies unused because of fundamental uncertainties in how to proceed. 但是,因为目前该如何著手尚有基本上的不确定性,所以这笔款项大部份都还没有动用。

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