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You are creating an unnatural effect that will look even stranger as the pigments in the wax fade.

You are correct in a way. 在某种程度上你是正确的.
You are crazy to do such a thing. 你干这样的事真蠢。
You are crazy. 你疯了!
You are created in God's image, you are precious to God. 你是神以他自己的形象创造的,你在神的眼中是宝贵的.
You are creating a world of beautiful tomorrow! 你正在创造一个美好的明天!
You are creating an unnatural effect that will look even stranger as the pigments in the wax fade. 要想要一个不自然的效果,那就是漆面颜色看起来已经褪色了。
You are creating the new matrix. 你正在创造新的矩阵。
You are creatively talented, but you must develop self-discipline to channel your energies in a productive direction. 你天赋充满创意,但是你得发展出自制的特点,以有用的方式来传导你的能量。
You are cut in and out. Repeat all after (before) Please. 你的声音时有时无。请重复…以后(以前)。
You are cut out for each other. 你们真是天生的一对。
You are darned lucky to have a friend like Me. 你真是不得了的幸运有个像我一样的朋友.

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