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We bid a warm welcome to your new baby.

We benefit greatly by this frank talk. 我们从这场坦率的谈话中受益。
We benefited greatly by this frank talk. 这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。
We bent our steps towards home. 我们转过脚步朝家走.
We berthed our ship at dusk. 黄昏时分我们在泊位停船。
We bicycled along, singing loudly. 我们骑着脚踏车前进,大声歌唱着。
We bid a warm welcome to your new baby. 我们热情欢迎你的小宝宝。
We birds are homeless now because people chop down to many trees and destroy the forests to build houses and grow crops for themselves. 有的人为了造房屋、种植经济作物,滥伐森林,使我们鸟类同胞无家可归。
We bit off more than we could chew in our original health care reform proposals. 我们在原先的健保改革提案中实在吃不消。
We bit off more than we could chew when we started this business. 我们刚开始做这笔生意是太好高骛远了。
We bivouacked in the wilderness till morning. 我们露营荒野直到早上。
We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营.

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