Choking can also be caused by a number of disorders, especially if the many muscles involved in swallowing do not work together.
此外,还有其他的情况也可以引起哽噎,特别是吞咽肌肉活动不协调的时候,也会引起哽噎。 |
Choking was noted in three cases, but none developed aspiration pneumonia.
有一例呈现下端接口处食道狭窄,一例出现咽-皮肤屡管。 |
Cholangiocarcinomas do not make bile, but the cells do make mucin, and they can be almost impossible to distinguish from metastatic adenocarcinoma on biopsy or fine needle aspirate.
胆管癌不产生胆汁,但这些细胞生成粘蛋白,并很难与活检或针吸标本的转移性腺癌相区分。 |
Choledochal cyst became clinically evident at 13.2±19.8 years of age and was characterized by a female predominance (86%).
患者多因上腹痛、黄胆及腹部肿块求医。 |
Cholera as well as viruses like those that cause influenza and AIDS infect these areas.
霍乱也像引起流感和艾滋病的那些病毒一样感染这些组织。 |
Cholera carried him off that year.
那年霍乱使他丧命。 |
Cholera first hit England in 1831 in a town called Sunderland.
1831年,霍乱第一次袭击了英格兰一个名叫森德兰的小镇。 |
Cholera has carried off many people in that country.
在这个国家,霍乱夺去了许多人的生命。 |
Cholera infections are often mild.
霍乱通常是轻微的。 |
Cholera is a bacterial infection of the intestines.
霍乱是细菌感染肠道的疾病。 |
Cholera is an acute intestinal infection that causes diarrhea and vomiting. Without prompt treatment it can lead to severe dehydration and death.
霍乱是一种急性肠道感染,能导致腹泻和呕吐。如果不及时治疗,霍乱会造成严重脱水和死亡。 |