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This may go down well in Gotham.

This may come to nothing, but at least Europe's competition authorities show willing. 这或许无关紧要,但是至少欧盟公平竞争委员会表达了他们的态度。
This may cut the risk of default, but it would also makeit difficult for anyone with a blemish on his record to get a mortgage. 这可能会降低违约风险,但是对那些抵押贷款信用记录上有瑕疵的人来说,这使他们获取贷款变得困难了。
This may explain why Moscow chose to escalate the tit-for-tat by suspending the issuance of visas for British officials. 俄国中止对英国官员签证的发放,俄国选择这种争锋相对的措施也是基于以上的原因。
This may explain why some gifted people can see what is going to happen in the future, and precisely predict the future events. 这个理论可以解释为什么有些具有”特殊功能“的人或”大师“级的人﹐可以预知未来。
This may find Bush in a parallel predicament unto Nixon in the year ahead. 这将使布什在明年陷入同尼克松类似的困境中。
This may go down well in Gotham. 这在纽约市可能见怪不怪。
This may have the effect of producing a relatively alias-free image (sometimes called anti-aliasing). 这可能对产生一个相关的非假名图像(有时叫做反假名)有一定的作用。
This may help explain why many women crave chocolate near their periods. 这一点也许有助于解释为什么很多女性在经期前后会想吃巧克力。
This may help explain why the People's Bank of China has not slammed on the brakes. 这也能帮助解释为什么人民银行没有踩刹车。
This may include a hot bath beforehand, an erotic massage or even just a good workout. 可以先来个热水澡,再按摩挑逗,或者干脆先试试看。
This may include bad harvest due to climatic changes, etc. 这将包括由于气候变化导致的不良收成。

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