New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds.
因特网上新出现了一些公众,他们相信政府正在向他们的大脑中定向发射声音。 |
New or altered opportunities may be perceived to be a result of exogenous changes in external environment which alter relative prices to organizations or a consequence of endogenous competition among the organizations of the polity and the economy.
新的或变动的机会可能被看成是外部环境变化导致组织内相对价格变化的结果,也可以看成是政治和经济组织内部竞争的结果。 |
New parks should mean that every New Yorker lives no more than 10 minutes away from one.
新增公园则意味着纽约人如果要去公园,不用十分钟就可以走到了。 |
New parks should mean that every New Yorker lives no more than 10 minutes away from one. School playgrounds will be open to the public.
新增公园则意味着纽约人如果要去公园,不用十分钟就可以走到了。学校的游乐场也将对公众开放。 |
New part measurement and testing.
新零件的测量和试验工作。 |
New peasants sprang to take the places of murdered ones.
在斗争中,农民群众英勇无畏,前仆后继。 |
New photographs leaked to Sakhalin Environment Watch by project-insiders reveal gross violations of Russian law.
项目的内部人员泄露出一些新图片,揭发该项目已经严重违反了俄罗斯法律。 |
New photos of Fidel Castro.
菲德尔?卡斯特罗的新照片。 |
New players get a welcome message.
新玩家将会有欢迎消息。 |
New poison ranks will be available in the expansion for those that already scale. We have no new poisons currently planned beyond Anesthetic.
新的毒药等级会出现的!麻醉剂以外我们还没有加入新的毒药的计划。 |
New policies, organizations and procedures will spring up amid the devastation.
新的政策、组织和程序将在这场浩劫中应运而生。 |