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I called on Mr. Lee yesterday.

I called him back and he stood there,full of shame and fear and full of all the thoughts and bitter visions of Negroes who had been lynched and tarred and feathered and beaten to death and tortured beyond human belief. 我收他回来,他站在那儿非常羞愧和害怕,满心想着那些遭受私刑,身上涂满柏油粘满羽毛,被打得半死不活并受尽人间难以想像的折磨的黑人和种种悲惨景象。
I called him, but the said he’s a no-go. 我给他打了电话,但是他说不行。
I called in the hope of finding her at home. 我希望她能在家才给她打的电话。
I called louder this time Mama - mama - mama.Then out of frustration I said Goo - gah -ga. 这次我更大声喊道:“妈妈,妈妈,妈妈”。我感到很失败,只好嘀咕着:“咕,嘎,嘎。”
I called my broker and said and you know buy shares in Internet. 就打电话给我的经纪人叫他买下网络股票”。
I called on Mr. Lee yesterday. 昨天我拜访过李先生。
I called on Peter last Sunday. 上个星期天我去看望了彼得。
I called out Dada - mama! 我大喊:“爸爸妈妈!”
I called out Mama - mama - gaah. 我大喊:“妈妈,妈妈,嘎啊!”
I called out again Goo - goo - mama. 我再次大喊:“咕,咕,妈妈。”
I called out again Mama - Dada - ga ga - goo goo. 我又大喊:“妈妈,爸爸,嘎嘎,咕咕。”

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