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Result The long diameter of foramen ovale was 7.±0. (.0~.)mm,its width was .97±0.0(.0~7.)mm.
果 卵圆孔长径为 7.± 0 . ( .0~ . )mm ,宽径为 .97± 0 .0 ( .0~ 7.)mm。

Resting was the most frequent behavior of the time-activity budget during the nestling growing periods which took up over 8.78%; Body care, tweeting ,locomotion ,gaping and pecking combined took up over %; Behavior of 'Others' were less than 0.%. 雏鸟用于休息的时间最多为8.78%,用于身体护理、呜叫及运动的行为次之分别为. 0%、 .87%和. %,张嘴、啄食行为所占的比例为.9%、0.07%,其他行为不足0.%。
Restrain Pulse Modulated Carrier and Improve PAM Mediate Quality 抑制脉冲载波 提高PAM解调质量
Result Positive rates of HMB, S-00, Vimentin staining were 9.8%( 0/ ), 80.%(/ ), 00%( / ) respectively, while none showed immunoreactivity with NSE, Keratin, LCA, HHF . Conclusion HMB may be a specific marker for AMM. 果  例瘤组织中HMB阳性率 9 .8% ( 0 / ) ,S - 0 0 80 . % ( / ) ,Vimentin 0 0 % ( / ) ,而NSE ,Keratin,LCA ,HHF 均呈阴性。
Result THUMPER CPR was better than hand driven CPR clearly. 果 “萨勃”CPR明显优于手动式 CPR。
Result The density of goblet cell was 0.7,. ,.07,. and . times that of normal conjunctival in the follow-up ,, , and 8 weeks. 果 移植的羊膜生长良好未发生排斥反应 ,羊膜上的杯状细胞数量在 、、 、、8周时分别是正常结膜的 0 . 7、 . 、 .0 7、 . 、 .倍。
Result The long diameter of foramen ovale was 7.±0. (.0~.)mm,its width was .97±0.0(.0~7.)mm. 果 卵圆孔长径为 7.± 0 . ( .0~ . )mm ,宽径为 .97± 0 .0 ( .0~ 7.)mm。
Result There aren't the dementia and the pneuma discapability for cases (8%) in Ⅰ and Ⅱ. And there were every kinds of the brain atroply,the infarction and the intracerebral hemorrhage in Ⅰ to Ⅲ phases. 果 :Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型病例中有 例(8% )不伴随痴呆和精神障碍方面的症状 ,Ⅰ~Ⅲ型病例均伴有不同程度脑萎缩、脑梗死和脑出血。
Result When hypertension the blood flow velocity and PI were many increased abnormality of the spectrum,such as double peak distance increase or decrease,systolic peak was high-sharp or circle-top,P >P ,with signal of abnormal blood flow and murmur. 果 高血压病时脑血管血流速度、血流频谱及脉动指数 ( PI)可发生变化 :脑血流动力学改变以脑血流速度增加和 PI值升高为主 ; 频谱形态异常 ,包括峰间距增大或缩小 ,收缩峰高尖或圆钝 ,P >P,伴有异常血流信号 ;
Result two hours after shock, the content of TXB and KPGF α in arteria plasma was increased significantly, but the content of TXB was obviously increased and KPGF α was obvious reduced from spleen vina sampling two hours after shock. 果 休克后 h动脉血浆中TXB 和 KPGFα含量均显著增高 ,而休克后h由脾静脉取血测定结果是TXB 水平显著增高 ,KPGFα水平降低。
Result According the standard of efficacy, patients with acute bleeding were controled on patients,among them,9 ones were treated by six-band ligator,8 were treated by Pneumd-active ligator and were treated by Nylon loop ligator. 果根据疗效判定标准,急性活动性出血控制 例(8 .0%),其中9例应用六连环法,8例应注气式结扎法,例应用尼龙圈结扎法,其余中转其它治疗。
Result All of the 88 ruptured aneurysms were clipped successfully,77 cases were classified as ADL outcome score grade Ⅰ-Ⅱ (87.0%), cases as grade Ⅲ-Ⅳ (.8%), and cases as grade Ⅴ( .% ). 果88例破裂出血的动脉瘤均获夹闭。 根据ADL结果评分Ⅰ~Ⅱ级77例(87.0%),Ⅲ~Ⅳ级例(.8%),Ⅴ级 例( .%)。

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