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Both help us understand better the hemodynamics and pathophysiology of hypoplastic left heart syndrome in these patients.

Both have similarity and conformity in the conception of harmony, in the ideal for an ethic society, in irrational idea, etc., while there are differences at the same time. 两者在关于和谐的观念、关于伦理型社会理想、关于反理性主义等方面存在着相似与相契之处,但同时又存在差异。
Both have their pros and cons, both seem plausible enough to me, and both explain how Hagrid could see Harry when he came to take him away. 两者都有赞成与反对的理由,两者我看起来似乎都足够正确,而且两者都能解释海格接走哈利时,如何能看到他。
Both he and I are satisfied with the result. 我和他对结果都很满意。
Both he and Thrun said they received lucrative offers from commercial investors in the days before the race. 他和杜伦都说,在大赛前的几天,他们都收到了许多商业投资者条件优渥的提议。
Both heat exhaustion and heat stroke can be prevented by avoiding overexertion on hot days. Pace yourself, rest often, drink plenty of water and eat regularly throughout your hike. 夏日高温天气避免过度运动均可防止轻度中暑/中暑的发生。在你整个徒步过程中,要控制好你的行进速度,时常休息,饮用足量的水,定时吃点东西。
Both help us understand better the hemodynamics and pathophysiology of hypoplastic left heart syndrome in these patients. 超音波心图除了是项有力诊断利器之外,本病在超音波心图上的血流特徵,还可以帮助我们了解其血流动力及疾病生理学。
Both high temperature and high humility are beneficial to formation and accumulation of nornicotine during yellowing. 去甲基烟碱含量烤后较烤前增加,而且变黄期高温、高湿均有利于去甲基烟碱的形成和积累。
Both his arms were inside the full-size crocodile's jaws and the beast was dragging him into deeper waters when he decided to fight back. 他的两条胳膊都被咬到张大嘴巴的鄂鱼的嘴巴里,当他决定反击时,鄂鱼正把他望深水里拖。
Both his eyes are hurt. 他的两眼都受伤了。
Both his grandparents were buried here. 他的祖父母都葬在这里。
Both his supplication in Chinese, and my calligraphy are attached. 他的中文祈请电邮及我的翰墨两者一并附呈。

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